Monthly Archives: April 2013

Sockets with Adaptive Communication Environment (ACE) Framework

Adaptive Communication Environment, or ACE for short, is a C++ framework to develop portable, high-performance networked multithreaded applications. References below introduce in greater detail to the history of the framework. ACE provides abstractions for sockets, demultiplexing loops, threads, synchronization primitives and can be used in high-performance, distributed real-time and embedded systems. ACE customers are Boeing and NASA, […]

Dining Philosophers in C++ 11

I have previously shown how to solve the problem using c#. I have to say that C++ 11 is officially awesome! Here’s my offering using that language. There are numerous solutions to the dining philosophers problem on the internet and I will not be reciting the story. You can find it at one of the following two […]

Dining Philosophers in C#

There are numerous solutions to the dining philosophers problem on the internet and I will not be reciting the story. You can find it at one of the following two links: MSDN Magazine Rosetta Code A few notes. Each philosopher is marked with a circle and can pick a chopstick on the left and on […]